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Why the ‘Candy Crush’ IPO Isn’t as Crazy as You Think



Though only mentioned twice in King’s 108,000-word filing with the SEC, there’s one name that haunts the prospect of the company’s IPO: Zynga.

As soon as King’s filing hit, journalists and analysts were angling to draw a comparison with the maker of FarmVille, whose fortunes had reversed dramatically since Zynga went public in late 2011

Zynga provides a reasonable parallel with King. In addition to being one of a handful of recognizable names in the mobile gaming segment, the company had pursued a similar mission: To create an assembly line of hit games. Read more…

More about Gaming, King, Zynga, Ipos, and Business

Read more : Why the ‘Candy Crush’ IPO Isn’t as Crazy as You Think

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