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Need a Job? Service Helps You Find One via Text



While the web makes it easier for professionals to find jobs, technology has left behind millions of hourly workers who don’t have regular access to the Internet.

A Seattle startup called Jobaline wants to change that by tapping into one of the most basic communication technologies out there: texting. This allows hourly employees, who made up about 59% of the U.S. workforce in 2012, to easily access the online employment service without the need of a computer or smartphone.

Consider the construction worker riding the bus home from his project that will end in a few weeks. An ad on the wall across from him displays a number to text if he wants to apply for a job. He opts in and receives a few questions in response, such as “are you available to work nights and weekends?” and “what about this job interests you?” It’s the equivalent of a prescreening for the employer. Read more…

More about Sms, Texting, Business, Startups, and Apps Software

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