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Wanted! Small Business Sites for Link-Building Experiment

This is a quick message to all owners of small or medium business.

We are considering setting up a full-scale link-building service for people just like you, but we’d like some test sites…

If you don’t know, inbound links are absolutely essential for getting good listings in the search engine results. And if you’re not on the first page of the search engine results (for at least a few relevant search phrases), you can’t expect to receive a fraction of the traffic that’s possible.

This web site is in the top 30,000 most popular sites in the world (and is getting more popular by the day). While we do train companies in SEO, we have only ever done SEO for a handful of clients and for our own sites.

I’d say we’re pretty sharp, but we’ve never considered ourselves an SEO agency. However, I’m so impressed with some of the results we’ve had recently, I’m very tempted to change my mind.

I know that some expertise and a few hours’ work can boost a small website into another league entirely! SEO really is the best money it’s possible to invest in a small website.

I want you to help prove me right.

Here’s what I’m looking for…

If you can answer “yes” to the following questions, I want to hear from you.

  1. My site has not been professionally optimised for SEO? (If you’re thinking “What do you mean, optimised?” then that counts as a yes!)
  2. Could use a LOT more targeted traffic (Who couldn’t!)
  3. I’m willing to invest a bit – but only in return for results!

And here’s what I’m offering…

If you submit your site to me, my SEO team and I will:

  • Review the market – find all the most attractive search terms
  • Evaluate the ones we think your site can rank in the top 3 for
  • Figure out how much work it would take to achieve that target – and how much more targeted traffic you could expect when we do
  • Tell you exactly how much it will cost you, giving you a simple, clear return on investment (“this much traffic for this price”)
  • And then hit it!

Here’s the twist. If we can’t get you that traffic, we’ll give you your money back – every last penny!

I’m taking on all the risk. Because I think we can transform your website’s fortunes. (Of course, we’re going to work really, really hard to ensure we succeed, because a) I don’t want to fail, and b) I really want to keep the cash!)

Oh, and the last thing. We’ll also offer to pass our secrets on to you, so you can continue to build your site’s online presence week on week.

What do you think? Ready to play?

Contact Me

If my challenge interests you – smart move! Just email me here, and we’ll contact you to take the next steps.


Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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