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BetAdvisor – A Test in Conversion Rate Optimisation

We recently completed a Conversion Rate Optimisation project for one of our clients, BetAdvisor.

We were testing landing pages which were designed to get people to sign up to BetAdvisor’s excellent 7-Day Free Trial.

So, let me give you a bit of an idea as to what they do. Basically, BetAdvisor offer sports betting tips via their network of expert sports tipsters.

These guys seriously know their stuff and their every movement is tracked so that you can see stats on what they specialise in, and more importantly, how successful they are. Seriously, these guys seem to us to be a better investment than property, pensions, or stocks & shares right now. That’s what the numbers say!

Being a gambling man, I have decided to give it a go and sign up myself. So if you don’t see me on here any more, you know why, OK? ;)

Anyway, back to the project. We created a number of versions of the sign-up page so that we could test them side-by-side using Visual Website Optimizer.

Take a look at the following screen grabs and see if you can tell which one performed the best and why. Once I’ve had a bit of response, I’ll post some stats so you can see whether your hunch was right.

BetAdvisor Landing Page Version 1

Version 1

BetAdvisor Landing Page Version 2

Version 2

BetAdvisor Landing Page Version 3

Version 3

BetAdvisor Landing Page Version 4

Version 4

BetAdvisor Landing Page Version 5

Version 5

BetAdvisor Landing Page Version 6

Version 6

BetAdvisor Landing Page Version 7

Version 7

That’s seven variations of the same page. Which one do you think was the winner?

Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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