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Linkswitch #73, Unique Selling Point, Twitter Experience, Comprehensive SEO

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7 Top-Notch Blogs for the Savvy Freelance Blog Writer

In addition to FreelanceSwtich, there are a handful of blogs that stand out a cut above the rest, and are well worth reading for freelance blog writers. These blogs are dedicated to blogging, writing, utilizing internet tools and trends to maximize your freelance writing income, and more.

Are Social Media “Experts” Worthless?

Gary Vaynerchuk, in his usual low-key, mellow way, said last month that 99.5% of social media experts are clowns. What interests me is what it takes to make that last 0.5%. What do the social media experts look like who aren’t clowns?

How to Finish What You Start: A Five-Step Plan for Writers

You’ve got plenty of great ideas, and you just can’t resist throwing yourself into them. Unfortunately, your motivation seems to vanish … and you’re left with a bunch of notes, outlines and first drafts that aren’t going anywhere.

No-one’s going to buy a half-written novel. No-one’s going to read a blog post that stops short after two paragraphs. So whether your writing aspirations involve hitting the New York Times bestseller list or living from the passive income from your ebooks, you need to finish what you start.

How to Really Set Yourself Apart From the Rest

The major element in building your personal brand and setting yourself apart, so that you attract prospects, new and old, is in establishing a Unique Selling Point (USP). It is a very good idea to know what makes you unique and what people will remember you for, before going about promoting yourself.

20 Cool Apps to Enhance Your Twitter Experience

I have always maintained that if it weren’t for third party apps, Twitter would never have been the cultural and social phenomenon that it is today. We use Twitter for a variety of personal and professional reasons and the platform by itself isn’t flexible enough for our needs. So we have compiled a list of 20 apps that fill a dozen holes in the Twitter platform. Come check it out!

Don’t Overthink It: 5 Tips for Daily Decision-Making

After digging into the research, I learned that there are no hard and fast rules for decision-making. (If only!) There are, however, a number of interesting tendencies that play into how we decide, which we should all be aware of. Here’s a quick stroll through some of the key findings on the art of decision-making.

A Comprehensive Post on SEO

I’m a blogger now but in a former life I did SEO professionally. As a part of the industry I’ve seen first hand the insane amount of misleading information available. Even so-called “professionals” have been known to give out absolutely terrible advice.

That’s why I’m writing this article. I want to finally teach you bloggers the truth behind SEO and how to rank well in Google. Some of the following information might be obvious and some of it might seem strange, but stick with me. If you follow my advice you’ll be ranking number one in no time.

Do You Have a Business or a Hobby?

Many people ask me if I think their business idea is a good idea to pursue. That idea is usually based on what they love to do in their free time. Their passion. Their hobby. And in most cases, the answer to, “Do you think I could make money from this?” is…

Understanding Copyright And Licenses

The Web is full of creative and practical resources that we can use to improve our projects. Photography, fonts, music and code are perfect examples. Finding stock objects and existing implementations is often quicker, cheaper and more practical than producing your own.

Whether free or not, these resources normally come with a license to ensure fair use. For professionals, understanding the limitations of a license is critical; with this knowledge, you’d be surprised by what’s available. Understanding copyright and licenses allows us to do what we do best: be creative.

How to Make a Happy and Safe Office Space

Lately I have been working some extraordinarily long days in front of the screen. Not only has it been exhausting it has made me think much more seriously about the importance of a proper office setup. Today I will share some tips and ideas for your office space that will make you more productive and keep the aches and pains away.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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