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In iOS 5, a New Way to Manage Your Tasks From Your iPad, iPhone or iPod

ios5_reminders_icon.pngFor users of Apple’s iOS mobile operating system, there was much to be excited about in yesterday’s keynote unveiling iOS 5, the next version of the OS for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Deeper Twitter integration, wireless syncing across devices, and the ability to untether your iOS devices from the desktop have rightly got users anticipating the next OS upgrade.

One feature that is sure to please productivity geeks is Reminders, a new native task management app for iOS that works across devices.


In terms of features, Reminders doesn’t offer a whole lot that we haven’t seen before in other products like Remember the Milk and Things. But having a task management app built right into the OS will be pretty handy, especially with the new notifications system coming in iOS 5.


Like Remember the Milk, Reminders can be set up to be location-aware. Thus, when you’re approaching your house, you’ll get a notification reminding you to take out the trash. When you get to the office, a whole new list of reminders will come up.

Reminders will sync wirelessly across devices using Apple’s new iCloud feature. This includes syncing with Outlook and iCal on the desktop.


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