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A Copywriting Experiment

Our whole team (me, Marie, Dan and Jimmy) attended a copywriting seminar on Monday in Bristol, run by copywriting legend Drayton Bird. (By the way, subscribe to Drayton’s newsletter – it’s outstanding!)

And it was excellent! I’ve seen Drayton before (and presented with him at EADIM) but to get the chance of a whole day’s training was too good to miss.

Anyway, right after getting back into the office, I had the opportunity to use my new skills when I needed to re-write a client’s landing page.

If you’ve read “Convert!“, you’ll have a good idea of the goal of copywriting – to get your interest and keep you reading until the writer has communicated the complete message. So it has to be interesting, relevant, and it has to move you emotionally.

I’ll let you judge for yourself. I’ve set up two landing pages for Ana’s product: “Spanish for Preschoolers E-Guide“. They’re running as an A/B split test with Google Website Optimizer.

Here’s what I recommend you do:

  • Open both pages in different web browsers.
  • If you get the same page in both browsers, delete your cookies and refresh until you get the alternative version.
  • Then compare, and see which works for you – and ask yourself why!

If you know anyone who works with preschool kids, kindergartners, or even toddlers, do please let them know about this product. Ana’s credentials speak for themselves.

Link >>

I hope you find the differences interesting!

Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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