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MOO Launches Business Card Creation Portal For Small Businesses

As Small Business Week gets underway in the United States, online business card creation service MOO is marking the occasion by launching a self-service portal for small businesses.

MOO’s Business Services accounts are available to companies with at least 10 employees. They’re simply a way for small teams to order business cards for multiple people simultaneously. Other perks included enhanced customer service and additional industry-specific design templates.


MOO is a popular tool among small businesses and freelancers for creating and ordering high-quality business cards based on a pre-made design template or from one’s own artwork. Graphic designers, photographers and others with visually distinctive products can have their cards printed up with up to 100 unique images on each card. As long as paper business cards refuse to die, they might as well look good.

The company is going all out for Small Business Week and giving away a Small Business Starter Kit to customers who place orders over $35 between now and May 20. The kit includes a business card holder, Square credit card reader, $100 Google AdWords voucher and credits for Yola and Shopify. If you were thinking of ordering new business cards soon, you might want to get on that.


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