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For Marketers, Paper-Based Methods Still Rule

For all the effectiveness and efficiency mobile technology and geolocation offer to marketers, you’d think that traditional, paper-based methods of marketing would be practically extinct by now.

While things may be headed in that direction, we’re not quite there yet, according to a recent survey conducted by Quova, a provider of location-based marketing services.


Quova surveyed 250 marketing professionals and found that 37% of them still rely on old school, offline methods like direct mail and the yellow pages. By contrast, only 5% utilize group buying sites like Groupon and LivingSocial and 4% take advantage of mobile geolocation.

Most marketers are on board with search-based and other contextual online advertising, but have yet to take the plunge into emerging areas like mobile and geolocation, despite how much more effective location-based marketing can be.

As the company points out, consumers spend nearly 80% of their disposable income within ten miles of where they live, making location-based marketing ripe to be the next big thing.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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