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Reading this will help you make more money$$$ (review of “Convert!”)

This review of “Convert!” was just posted on Amazon, by Bryan Newman, a top-1000 reviewer.


I can help you make an informed decision about buying this book. See what I did there? I gave you a benefits-based grab for attention. Know what I’m talking about? No? Well then this might be just the book for you!

But seriously, this was an eye-opening book. I have been dabbling at affiliate sales web design for some time and I only wish I had this book available to me a decade ago. I started the first chapter feeling good about myself because it gave the basics on driving traffic through SEO’s and keyword searches. It validated in 30 minutes what took me years to come to understand.

But then author put in a little hook. He took keyword research to a level I have never thought on and then put that research into context of driving customers to conversion. Now, I’m a dabbler in coding and design, not a salesman.

Perhaps his concept of the Awareness Ladder is an old idea for sales people, but for me it is revolutionary. Using this paradigm and his research tips, you can find achievable page ranks for valuable keywords. Then you can fit those keywords into a “funnel” that leads customers toward earning you money.

The second part of the book goes deeply in designing for conversion. If you are not versed in sales strategy like me, this section is amazing. He shows you how to design “funnels” to drive your viewers up the “ladder of awareness” toward the goal you want.

But the most valuable thing is that he tells you how to grade and improve your site through optimization then testing the results. By the time you finish the book or, like me, you’ve dog-eared your copy flipping back and forth, you will have the tools and knowledge to test every concept in real life.

The book shows you how to use tools like Google Analytics to find the best solution for selling to your customer. It goes way beyond sales tips and tricks, it actually lets you see what is working.

I have rarely finished a book so charged up to start on a project. Nor have I ever used a highlighter on a book more. It is literally full of small ideas, but the gold in the book are a couple of main concepts that I really can’t describe as anything other than revolutionary. This book is completely digestible, no jargon or high end vague theories, just a well written, achievable, common sense plan with lots of illustrating examples.

—> Amazon only has so many of these in stock – So order now and take your website to its full potential <—-

(See what I did there? A you-centric, time-limited, benefits-packed call to action. But again seriously, this book is amazing, way more than just a sales book, it is a research, design and a results optimization book. It has workable ideas to make a huge difference in your web site’s success. I’m trying some on a redesign of a site and will try to update with results when I can. I highly recommend it.


Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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