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5 Top Marketing Blogs by Entrepreneurs

yellowmegaphonesticker.jpgEntrepreneurs always seem to have great insights to share derived from their very real experiences. Unlike most people, many entrepreneurs are an open book, willing to share everything they know and have done with anyone willing to listen. They’re thankful for all those other entrepreneurs they looked up to when they were just starting out, who were sharing all of their great, unfiltered wisdom.

In no particular order, here is a list of top marketing blogs written by entrepreneurs who, rather than just being analysts and observers of how great marketing works, have implemented successful marketing campaigns for their businesses.


Danny Wong is the co-founder of Blank Label Group and runs the e-commerce startups Blank Label, Thread Tradition and RE:custom.

Noah Kagan

While Kagan doesn’t update too frequently, you most certainly get gems of information from the guy who used to work as a product manager at Facebook and was the director of marketing at Having worked at a company that sold to Intuit for $170 million in two years, Kagan certainly knows how to build a business for success. Just sample a few of his great posts and see for yourself.

Gabriel Weinberg

Weinberg’s personal blog is one of the most comprehensive marketing blogs (when he blogs about marketing) out there. As founder of DuckDuckGo, a search engine serving up millions of queries each month, he knows how to get the word out. He’s even writing a book on getting traction for startups, and, as part of the process, he’s been doing video interviews with successful entrepreneurs, which you can see here.

Michael Fox is perhaps the most transparent entrepreneur blog I’ve ever seen. Michael Fox is the co-founder of custom women’s shoes site Shoes of Prey, which has received 1.5 million visits in the last three months. Fox reveals sensitive information such as traffic, metrics from marketing campaigns, even site conversion rates. In addition to telling all, he gives other entrepreneurs a sense of what went right, what went wrong and how to replicate his marketing tactics for their own businesses.

Ilya Lichtenstein

The blog authored by Ilya Lichtenstein, provides posts on one of the most pressing marketing issues for entrepreneurs: achieving massive amounts of traffic using limited resources. The blog’s tagline is ““Strategies for rapidly acquiring and monetizing lots of traffic.”” It meets reader expectations, publishing detailed posts about successful marketing strategies, supported by data, personal experience and knowledge from many other successful marketers.

Dharmesh Shah, written by HubSpots co-founder, Dharmesh Shah, is more of a blog for entrepreneurs than it is for marketers. But it was worth having on this list because Dharmesh’s insights into the startup world are unparalleled, coming as they do from the co-founder of one of the hottest marketing software companies of the day. As an added bonus, you can check out OnStartups forum,, to call on the wisdom of the crowd to learn how to run a startup or build great marketing campaigns.

Do you have a favorite marketing blog written by an entrepreneur you’d like to share with the community?

Photo by omacaco


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