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“One of the most profound books on design and web marketing ever written”

This is a comment about my Book “Convert!” left on, by Ken McCarthy, the Internet marketing pioneer.

At the time of writing, the book still has a 100% five-star rating on (13/13).

My title makes a big claim, but here’s why it’s true.

Designers in general – and web designers in particular – practically never pay any attention at all to measuring user response. They make their “best effort” and if it looks good and the client is happy they leave it at that. If they’re ambitious, they might back it up with some fancy sound theory, but that’s all. This is the way it’s been since the beginning of time from the moonlighter working out of a spare bedroom to the big city design firm with the six figure consulting fees.

Ben is the first web designer at his level to say: “No. That’s not good enough. We have to test different versions to see which one gets the best response.”

The reason that this book is one of the most profound books on Internet marketing is that it’s the only book on Internet marketing to answer the where-the-rubber-meets-the-road question: “What do we put on the screen and how do we know if it’s any good?” There are now thousands of Internet gurus and countless seminars and courses (some of them very expensive) and very, very, very few of them ask – let alone answer – this basic question.

If you can only buy one book on Internet marketing, this is the one and if you master what’s in it you’ll be able to buy all the books in the world. Successful Internet marketing is all about tracking, testing and adapting and “Convert!” will show you the way.

Disclosure: I’m a colleague of Ben’s and encouraged him to follow this path and write this book. I also organized and sponsored the first conference ever on the subject of web marketing back in 1994. So include that in your considerations of how reliable a source I am for this opinion

Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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