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Know the Sheer Power of Links

Now, the first factor is important. You should optimise your pages around your chosen keywords (more about choosing keywords another time). But on-page optimisation is only about 10% of the story.

The big, really important factor is what the rest of the world says the page is about. And that comes down to one thing – inbound links.

Basically, these are the two factors that dictate how high you will rank for your keywords. You want as many links as you can get from pages that are…

  • related (with similar subject matter, very important)
  • and have high PageRank (very important – PageRank is an indicator of how respectable the linking page is)

That’s it. That is what distinguishes the top-ranking pages from the also-rans (and the top-ranking pages get the lion’s share of the visitors, and sites that get more visitors get more business).

So increasing your search engine ranking is one of the most cost-effective ways to get more business via your web site. And the way to do that is to get more relevant inbound links.

Here’s the problem..

Creating your own links is a very laborious, time-consuming business. And if you go chasing links from irrelevant, low-PageRank pages, you are totally wasting your time.

There are tools coming out onto the market that help you find pages that are relevant and well-respected.

The newest one comes from the guys at WordTracker, who have been building tools to help professionals and amateurs do better SEO for years. It’s called “Link Builder”, and it’s easy to use (like their main keyword research tool) and very effective.

They are also currently discounting the tool, so if you would like to take a shortcut to boosting your search engine rankings, here’s what to do…

Posted in Editorial Pick, General, Web, Web Design.

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