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What Did JavaScript Get Wrong?

JavaScript logo 150x150 Some people love JavaScript, others hate it. Jeffrey Way is one of those developers that loves JavaScript. He writes that most people who hate JavaScript actually hate the DOM API. But there a few things about JavaScript that drive him nuts, so he’s compiled a list of the Top 10 Things that JavaScript Got Wrong.


Here’s Way’s list:

  1. The Name. JavaScript is NOT Java
  2. Null is an Object?
  3. NaN !== NaN
  4. Global Variables
  5. User-Agent Strings Report Mozilla. Ever Wonder Why?
  6. Scope Inconsistencies
  7. The Use of Bitwise Operators
  8. Too Many Falsy/Bottom Values
  9. It Can’t Do Arithmetic (he notes that he’s 99% teasing with this one)
  10. Code Styling Isn’t your Choice!

The full article has more detail.

What would you add or subtract from this list?


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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