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Linkswitch #50: Happy New Years!

How to Maintain Your Personal Brand as a Corporate Employee

A strong personal brand is beneficial on many levels. At the core it differentiates the designer, developer, marketer, etc, from the rest of the pack within crowded disciplines. It functions as a self-promotion agent that works for the practitioner 24/7/365 ultimately ensuring this person becomes a magnet for new and interesting work opportunities.

Are You a Comic Sans Criminal?

Who knew that a college graphic design project could turn into an overnight viral sensation?

On Tuesday, December 22nd, UK-based graphic design student Matt Dempsey, 21, launched a cute primer called Comic Sans Criminal.

The elegant site instructs amateur designers how to use the most juvenile-looking typeface in a designer’s toolbox.

The Top 8 Killer Alternatives to Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most well known website analytics around, not to mention being one of the best. Although Google Analytics is a fantastic app to tackle your site’s analytics needs, there are actually several other options available that many would argue are better choices. We’ve pulled together eight of the best alternatives to Google Analytics and some information about each; price, plugins, mobile apps, real-time tracking and requirements.

6 Tips To Looking Better In Photos, Even If You Have A Face For Radio

Do you avoid the camera like some celebrities dodge the paparazzi?

Are you about as photogenic as a plate full of Brussels Sprouts? Is the thought of sending out a Holiday Greeting Photo Card about as appealing as burying yourself naked in a pile full of dirty snow?

Happy New Year 2011 Wallpapers

We have come to the end of yet another year — just in time for another roundup of wallpapers for your New Year 2011 celebrations for your desktop! On behalf of the Noupe team, we wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that 2011 brings you much success and prosperity in all your endeavors. And don’t forget to stay creative!

How to Use Blog Commenting as a Networking Superweapon

When it comes to driving awareness through social media channels, most marketers think about using tools like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube videos to reach key audiences.

But very few think of leaving a comment on a blog as a strategy to driving awareness—and potentially, down the road, garnering leads.

Getting Rid of Cellphone Addiction: Some Useful Tips

Not a day goes by when I don’t scold my younger brother for being glued to his cellphone all day. College kids, I tell you.

But it’s not only him. I have seen people, irrespective of their age and location, stuck on their phones even when they don’t need to be. It’s like the mobile phone is their only focus for most of their 24 hours. Sound familiar?

Six Things to Do Instead of Working Today

Some days are just not good days for working. You’ve got a million things distracting you from your work: the dogs are whining, the kids are crying, you’ve got too much on your mind, or you’re so eager for a package coming in the mail (that’s me) that you simply can’t drag yourself to your desk.

Books for Freelance Mobile Application Developers

Developing applications, especially for mobile devices, is hot right now: there are tons of companies that want to create an app that’s usable on the iPhone or another mobile platform. But it’s a specialized area of development and you may need some resources to make sure that you’re able to give your clients exactly what they want. The books below can get you headed in the right direction.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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