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Linkswitch #46: Reputation, Marketing, Secret Santa

Google Insurance: 8 Steps to Protect Your Reputation

It doesn’t take much to set off a tsunami of public relations headaches in the digital world.

As the last 12 months have shown us-what with BP’s environmental disaster and a variety of online scandals-the damage that a disgruntled client or audience can do can’t be measured in income alone but can easily swell to ridiculous proportions.

80 Examples of Snow Photography To Freeze Your Screen

Christmas is coming and some countries are starting to enter the snowy winter season. Unfortunately we who live in the tropical countries can’t enjoy the falling snow like people who live in the four-season countries. However we can still enjoy the beauty of snow scenery through videos or photos.

Secret Santa 101: 5 Great Rules to Gift By

Well, December is here.

As the year comes closer to an end, the current atmosphere around the workplace falls somewhere between ultra-stressed for some and collective relief for others. It’s more likely that if you’re reading this post you’re feeling more of a sense of accomplishment, mixed with optimism for what’s to come — and perhaps a little dash of regret as well.

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Canadian grocery store chain Loblaws knew they had a great BBQ sauce based on customer comments. But they didn’t understand why sales were so dismal.

Until they invited customers to post product reviews on their website. Only then did they discover the problem was the bottle – it was too tall to fit in refrigerator doors! They redesigned the bottle and their sales immediately increased.

25 Awesome Redesigns of a 90’s Website

A few weeks back, in partnership with Adobe Catalyst Business, we held a contest to redesign a fictional pizza business website, currently in all it’s 90’s glory. We had a huge number of submissions, and it was an incredibly tough job for our staff to vote on a winner! There were so many great designs, I wanted to take the time to show off some of the runners up. It’s not often that you get to see more than two dozen different takes on the same concept from great designers.

10 Tips to Beat Clutter…in Less Than 5 Minutes.

It’s a Secret of Adulthood: for most people, outer order contributes to inner calm. I agree, in the context of a happy life, a crowded coat closet or a messy desk shouldn’t much matter. Nevertheless, I’ve found that getting control of clutter gives me a disproportionate boost in happiness, and other people seem to feel the same way.

How Not to Be a Freelancing Diva

Are you too quick to turn down a potential client?

While it’s vitally important for freelancers to charge what they are worth, many freelancers move from being too timid to charge a fair rate to being too eager to dismiss a potential client because the work isn’t enjoyable enough or the pay isn’t high enough. In fact, a few freelancers are downright rude about the way that they dismiss inquiries that don’t their standards.

Is Online Video Streaming Fighting a Losing Battle?

The short answer, of course not. The industry is, however, fighting a needlessly difficult battle in which users pay the price—literally and figuratively. So the real question is, are we, the users, fighting a losing battle? Personally I think the short answer to that is, yes.

Around every corner is another hurdle for those of us who want to enjoy our video media via internet rather than the traditional cable, satellite or physical media source. What are we to do?

Mobile Development Toolkit

Mobile web design has been around for quite a while. Unfortunately, a lot of mobile design guidelines are out of date and focus on low-resolution, non-touchscreen phones. Despite their popularity, there isn’t a whole lot of information out there for designing websites for the new generation of smartphones (iPhone, Android devices, BlackBerry touchscreens, etc.) — these devices are growing more and more popular in Europe and North America.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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