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Linkswitch #38: Get Published, Facebook Advertising & Blogging Platforms

20 Awesome Office Designs

In lieu of asking “Are Traditional Offices Dead?“, we decided to round up some inspiring office spaces. The featured companies have decided to leave the cubicle farms behind in favor of creative and offices designs. Companies such as Google and Zappos have been highlighted in the past few years but it is evident that the non-traditional office is being adopted by companies of all sizes and industry.

Retro Video/DOS Games For The Weekend: Take A Stroll Down Memory Lane

We thought we’d do something a bit different for the weekend, because not everybody is actually working for the weekend. And even if we do, we deserve a break from time to time. For just this occasion, we have poured across the four corners of the Web and amassed a collection of retro games to help you make the absolute most of your break time this weekend… and possibly any break time you take from this day forth.

End of the Netsetter!

Hi folks, it seems I am writing my last Netsetter post today, as we’ve unfortunately decided to wind this blog up.

We recently tried taking it from solo-Collis blog into multi-author magazine style blog, and while we’ve had some success, it’s been clear from launch onwards that this blog isn’t as useful to the world as some of our other blogs. Utility is something that I think is always evident in the traffic a blog gets. And while there’s been some traffic here, nothing like we’ve had from some of other sites.

The Value of Reducing Stress – And 12 DIY Tactics for Doing So

60% to 80% of job-related accidents are due to employee stress level.

90% of all diseases are caused by or exacerbated by stress.

60% to 90% of doctor visits are caused by or related to stress.

To put it simply, stress is expensive. Very expensive. You pay in the form of lower energy, more illness, more medical visits and procedures, and, frankly, escapism, too.

Why Freelancers Should Get Published

At the recent International Freelancers Day virtual conference, one theme that struck me was the importance of creating and publishing content. Many of the experts discussed, in various angles, why getting published would be good for freelancers.

7 Tips to Mastering Facebook Advertising

Advertising on Facebook can be a cost-effective means of bringing new people to your fan page. To truly harness the value of Facebook advertising, you’ll need to dedicate time and resources to test, analyze, monitor and tweak your ads.

FreelanceSwitch Flickr Contest: Submit Your Photos!

FreelanceSwitch has created our first FreelanceSwitch community Flickr group, and we’re giving away prizes to celebrate! Instead of regular ol’ blog images, we want to feature photos from our community on blog posts. Submit your photos to the Flickr pool, and if we choose your image, you’ll be credited in the article.

The 10 Best Blogging Platforms

Do you want to blog but you don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re already a blogger and you’d like to check out other platforms and their offerings? Blogging is common place these days but new people are discovering and jumping into platforms like WordPress everyday.

100 Stunning Demonstrations of Light Painting

Light painting is the process of using long camera exposures to create stunning lighting effects.

By having a camera’s shutter open for extended periods of time, often well over a minute, trails of light can be drawn with LEDs, flashlights, or even sparklers.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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