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Linkswitch #36: Web Typography, Web Apps and HTML 5

Expressive Web Typography: Useful Examples and Techniques

Wherever we turn online, typography jumps out at us — sometimes literally, with the assistance of some clever coding. And now more than ever, we are seeing greater focus on this design element and its varied implementations around the Web. With the growing popularity of font embedding services and @font-face, typography is the talk of the town, but even though it is a regular topic among communities, not all of our typographic efforts are successful. Sometimes we swing for the fences, only to miss or fall short.

Look Backward, Look Inward, Look Forward for Success

Be it Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela or any of the other 6 billion or so people in the world, we all have one thing in common.

Everybody loses.

Beneath all the victory, power and flamboyance lie the painful scars of failures. Failures are the checks and balances put in place by God, nature, Darth Vader or whoever else you consider the omnipotent.

The Freelancer’s Guide to Professional Development

With back-to-school season in full swing, now’s the time for freelancers to bone up on their skills or perhaps learn new ones. But you don’t have to shell out for pricey college courses to get the benefit of professional development. In fact, a lot of great information is available for free or very inexpensively if you’re willing to invest the time and do a little digging. Read on to discover several affordable avenues for professional development.

7 Warning Signs Your “Big Idea” Is Going to Flop

Ever have a really great idea for a product?

You know, the kind of idea that leaves you slack-jawed and wide-eyed with wonder at the sheer potential of it all. You want to grab someone by the shoulders and explain the whole thing in a breathless rush, watching their eyes grow in wonder as they realize you’re going to be rich and famous. For the next few hours or even days, you find yourself revved up in high gear, eager to turn your big idea into reality.

Life’s missing white space

I’m not a designer, but I’ve always been in love with the design concept of white space.

It’s the space in a design that isn’t filled with things — as you can tell from the design of Zen Habits and my other blog, mnmlist, it’s something I use (perhaps too) liberally.

Calculating the Return On Investment (ROI) on Marketing Your Design Skills

If you want to make a living as a web designer, there’s no option but to market your services. As much as you might hope clients will drop out of the sky, you have to take the steps necessary to make sure that those prospective clients know that you can help them and can easily find you.

How to Start Your Freelancing Journey with No Experience

Believe it or not, every successful freelancer started without any experience.

As obvious as that fact may seem, it is easy to look at others who are thriving in their freelancing field and forget that in the beginning they had no idea what they were getting into. Sure, they may have developed their skills in the corporate world, or acquired some type of education that equipped them for their chosen profession, but they did not know everything there is to know about freelancing on day one.

How to Create Social Media Business Guidelines

Social media policies and guidelines provide your business a framework to carry out your social media strategy and implement your social media tactics. They can also have a direct impact on the success of your social media endeavors.

Getting Started with HTML 5: What’s new?

HTML 5 is not in its final version yet but more and more sites have started using it. HTML 5 attempts to meet the requirements of the new Web and to make it easier to publish Web 2.0 content. When HTML 4 was in the works, Web 2.0 wasn’t even dreamed of, so you can’t expect HTML 4 to be Web 2.0-friendly.

50 Great Web Alternatives to Desktop Software

Even without the help of the ground breaking features in HTML5, web apps have come of age. While not all web apps rival their desktop counterparts, some clearly do. One solid example being online To-do apps with invoicing and project management apps also competent enough for a neck to neck fight.

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