10 Kick Ass Adobe AIR Apps You Should Try
Remember Adobe AIR? With advancements in HTML5 and even Silverlight, AIR seems to have been left in the back of our minds-at least here at Web.AppStorm. Adobe AIR has some pretty great apps, however, that are still rocking the AIR space and even leading their respective areas (like Twitter).
We’ve pulled together 10 kick ass Adobe AIR apps you should definitely try if you haven’t already. Take a look!
Gender Disparities in the Design Field
Walk into any design classroom, at any college in America, and you’ll see a comfortable mix of male and female students. Turn your attention to the front of the classroom, or down the hall to the faculty and staff offices, and that wonderful gender balance starts to skew. Travel outside the campus, and there’s really no balance at all.
What’s on Your Music Playlist – Freelance Edition
Call me odd, but I find that I struggle with two things that most people find easy. One is picking a topic for a blog post and the other is choosing music to help keep me dancing in my seat. So when I saw Susan’s music playlist, I figured I could share mine. Once I’ve got a topic and some good tunes blasting, time has a way of sinking into the words on the page. Next thing I know, it’s time for dinner.
Useful Steps To Tackle Procrastination
Procrastination is one of the biggest time wasters in life. When we procrastinate, we waste away valuable free time and put off important tasks we should be doing until it’s too late. When that happens, we panic and wish we started earlier. I know a few chronic procrastinators, and unfortunately they spend their lives in the cycle of delaying, putting off important tasks, procrastinating, avoiding work, and doing work only when it’s inevitable.
The Pros and Cons of Being a Subcontractor
Previous blog posts have extolled the time-saving benefits of subcontracting. Sure, if you’re the person subcontracting work, it can help boost your income, keep clients happy, and prevent from you turning away new work even when you’re busy. But is it a sweet deal for the subcontractor, too?
4 LinkedIn Tips to Help You Stand Out
Very few people ignore you in real life, face-to-face networking situations. So why do they do it to you online? The simple answer is because they probably don’t even realize that they are!
Be honest. Do you follow up on every LinkedIn connection request you get? No, probably not. I’ll bet you click “accept” and that’s as far as you go.
Are You a Freelancer Or a Consultant?
“Are you a freelancer or a consultant?”
That may seem like an odd question, especially since this blog IS called “Freelance” Folder.
In fact, many people confuse freelancers with consultants and vice versa. There is a distinction and it is an important one. It matters how you position and brand yourself.
Are Too Many WP Theme Sites Hurting the Industry?
Run a search for some common terms associated with premium WordPress themes and you’ll likely find between a few hundred thousand and a few million results.
“WordPress premium theme” brings back nearly 11 million results. “WordPress theme marketplace” brings back nearly a million.
The Netsetter: Keyword Competition Analysis
Picking effective keywords for your content is at least as important as SEO. If you optimize for the wrong keywords, your search traffic will either be limited to lower search volumes than more optimal keywords, or the traffic will convert poorly.
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