Yahoo! developer Tom Hughes-Croucher has released a free preview of his forthcoming O’Reilly Media book Up and Running With Node.js. The preview consists of the first approximately 20 pages of the book in PDF form.
Tom Hughes-Croucher writes:
Up and Running With Node.js is a guide to Node.js aimed at giving you the combination of the background knowledge you need to use Node well, and the hands-on tutorials you need to get started fast.
While this initial release isn’t a huge one, as we progress through the process of writing we are going to be periodically sharing drafts of the book with the community. We’d love to get your thoughts and feedback on what we are doing. I’ve based much of what I’ve written on the many Node talks I’ve given at conferences world-wide. I hope we can write the book that you need to make the most of the amazing platform Node.js offers, so all feedback is helpful.
See also our interview with Guillermo Rauch on why you should pay attention to Node.js.
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