10 Steps To Taking Your Own Simple Stock Photos
Bad stock photography is a cliché, there’s nothing worse than going to an “about us” page and seeing a bunch of people in suits with telephone headsets who all look really happy.
Good stock photography on the other hand has a lot of value, the downside is that it’s often very expensive.
Best Practices of Combining Typefaces
Creating great typeface combinations is an art, not a science. Indeed, the beauty of typography has no borders. While there are no absolute rules to follow, it is crucial that you understand and apply some best practices when combining fonts in a design. When used with diligence and attention, these principles will always yield suitable results. Today we will take a close look at some the best practices for combining typefaces — as well as some blunders to avoid.Tell Us About Your Freelance Life! Help the Global Freelancer Survey
Freelancers by nature usually work on their own, as such we often don’t really know what others are doing, charging and thinking. This survey aims to compile our collective knowledge for the benefit of freelancers everywhere! The 2007 survey rendered great results with input from over 3,000 participants, but we need help to update it!
8 Ways to Get Motivated When You Have a Bad Boss
It seems in the wonderful world of work there’s always a trade-off. You love the location, but the commute sucks. The pay is great, but the hours are gruelling. In a perfect world you could choose your “options” like amenities that come with a new car or a newly constructed home.
Getting Ready for Your Job Interview
As web designers and/or developers we have a certain luxury afforded to us with the location and times; where and when we work. Ours is an industry that allows us to sit at home and work at whatever times (and in whatever conditions) are convenient to us. However, in today’s economic times it can be harder to find enough contract work to support a comfortable lifestyle.
It changed my perspective entirely when I took the time to identify the motivation killers in my life.
For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to write a teen fiction book. Besides my love for writing, the primary motivation behind my goal has always been to create an original story that sucks young people in and gets them excited to turn to the next page. A secondary motivation is to have a means of bringing truth and encouragement to teenagers in a day and age where they face such unique challenges.
21 Ways Non-Profits Can Leverage Social Media
Like their for-profit brethren, many non-profits understand that using social media can help them reach and engage their audience, create momentum and build community.
However, there’s uncertainty around how to create a sustainable social media campaign, although the tools are plentiful and often free.
8 Worries That May Cause You to Miss Out on Your Freelancing Journey
Life’s a journey, not a destination.
You’ve probably heard this saying. It’s a cliché that is as true for freelancing as it is for life. Many freelancers fail to really enjoy their freelancing journey because they’re too caught up in worries about the future of their freelancing business.
The Campus Roommate’s Guide to Maintaining Productive Efficiency
College freelancers, many of whom probably live on campus, can attest to this: it’s a pain in the rear to stay productive when you live with others. Even if you don’t live on campus or go to school, sharing living space can really put a damper on your productivity levels, hindering both your academics and your freelancing.
GetGlue: Your Social Entertainment Network
Getting suggestions on entertainment, particularly which movie to watch, what band to listen to or which book to read, isn’t so simple. It’s true that you can ask your friends on Facebook or Twitter but how many times will you be willing to pollute your social stream asking for the slapstick comedy recommendations? It’s just not perfect.
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