Cross Selling More than Just Your Services
As freelancers, the main thing we can sell is our services. Clients come to us because they want a particular project completed and we have the right skill set to accomplish it. But the truth of the matter is that we have a little more room to maneuver, at least when it comes to what we sell. We can upsell and cross sell our services to further establish our relationship with our clients and improve our bottom line.
How To Sell Your Designs Without The Sales Pitch
If you learn how to sell yourself (without a sleazy sales pitch) you will be able to sell your designs more easily. This means fewer revisions, happier clients, more referrals, and a higher quality of work.
5 Apps to Improve Productivity and Collaboration
If you’re like me, your to-do list has taken on a life of its own, and after several failed attempts at taming it, you’re now simply looking for a way to peacefully co-exist. Fortunately, new apps and devices are being created almost daily to help us improve our productivity and collaboration.
A Dozen Ways to Get Design Inspiration and Feedback
Design is an iterative process. It takes inspiration, perhaps from others’ work, and it takes feedback from others on what you’re doing right and where you’re missing it. After all, don’t forget Picasso’s famous quote that’s been popularized by Steve Jobs: “Good artists copy. Great artists steal.” We’ve put together a list of a dozen of our favorite sites that can get you inspired to create and help you get feedback on the things you’ve created.
5 Exciting Career Tracks for Freelancers
After thinking about this for a while, I became excited when I realized that freelancing actually offers many more career tracks than nearly any other business environment! Here are five career tracks that you may wish to explore.
How Freelance Writers Can Use Simple Addition to Land Great New Clients
You take one type of writing you’ve done and present it along with another type — or with life experience in a particular area. And together, these different credits add up to qualifications to do the new type of gig.
5 Tips for Building a Community Management Strategy
Are you looking to build a community management strategy for your business? Here are five ways to get started building an effective community management strategy.
How do you make a choice when you’re stuck at a fork in the road? How can you decide when two or more possibilities seem equally good?
I’ve been learning (but haven’t mastered) the principles of Effortless Decision-Making. It’s a way of making decisions where you can flow through the constant stream of decisions we must make every day of our lives, without getting stuck, without being paralyzed by fear. We choose, and flow, and we let go of worry. What follows is a very brief guide to making effortless decisions.
How To Avoid Barriers That Weaken Your Headlines
nd when you write copy, what’s your door? Why the headline. So think about it. How many obstacles would you put in the way, if you wanted me to enter? What a silly question, eh? You’d make darned sure you freed up the entry to the doorway, so I could get in quickly.
But no matter who you are, and how easily you can recognize the weak excuses of others, you’re never without your own self-limiting beliefs. Some of your beliefs probably even seem like silly excuses or uninformed points of view to others who have more informed views of the subjects than you. We all live in our own realities. Where do these self-imposed limits and beliefs come from?
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