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Linkswitch #77, Buy Creativity, Damn Lazy, Half Life

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10 Apps for More Efficient Tweeting

As Twitter continues to grow at an incredible pace each day, the importance of the platform grows with it. Developing a strong social media presence and growing your network of followers demands being active on Twitter. Fortunately, there exist many tools out there that assist us in making our life easier and more efficient on Twitter.

Here are ten tools that will increase your efficiency, while allowing you to retain your genuine personality when tweeting.

Why You Can’t Buy Creativity

“The work had better be good, I’m paying them enough.” Over the years I’ve heard this statement – or versions of it – from many different managers charged with getting creative work out of their teams. From a conventional management perspective, it probably sounds like common sense. But to anyone who understands the nature of creativity and what motivates creative people, it’s a recipe for disaster.

How to Grow Social Media Leads: New Research

Have you wondered, “How often should I post articles on my blog?” or “How does my social media reach impact lead generation and traffic?” Two brand-new studies by HubSpot and Edison Research provide fresh insights on these important questions. Consider these five findings as you enhance your social media and blogging strategies.

Google+ in 15 Minutes a Day

There’s value in social media – I can trace real revenue to it, and I’m not the only one. The first 30 minutes are incredibly valuable – it’s the next 7 hours that are the problem. I understand both extremes – I once spent 24 straight hours on Twitter, and I’ve quit social media cold-turkey for 30 days twice. So, here are a few tips for adding Google+ to the mix without losing what little work-day you have left

How do I stop being so damn lazy?

Perhaps our generation’s greatest failing is how lazy we are. How many of my readers have sent me emails talking about how they want to change…how they want to improve their finances, or earn more, or get healthier…or even READ my book (which is sitting under their bed)…but they simply can’t find the motivation to do so?

3 Steps To Avert Disaster When Things Go Wrong

Savvy entrepreneurs know there are a set of simple steps that can be taken in just about any gone-wrong scenario to help get – whatever disaster has befallen – back on track. Let’s explore those steps together.

Half life

The sales cycle of the typical popular book, for example, has a half-life of about two months After two months, the book will probably have made half of all the sales it will make in its entire lifetime. For an internet viral sensation, the half-life is probably closer to six hours, measured from the moment the traffic peaks.

Picking A Mobile Support Strategy For Your Website

many website owners have begun to develop a strategy for providing information and services to their mobile visitors. However, mobile strategies can vary massively from website to website, depending on what the company wants to offer visitors. For example, eBay’s strategy will be very different from an individual’s strategy for a portfolio website, which might simply be to improve readability for those viewing on a mobile device.

10 Strategic Questions to Ask Before You Become a Freelancer

Becoming independent is going to be the best thing you’ve ever done for your career–if you do it right. Not everyone is meant for, or even comfortable with, working on their own. It’s important to figure this out before becoming enamored with all the freedom freelancing brings.

You don’t want to leave a good job and then realize too late that freelancing isn’t right for you. So, make sure you ask yourself these questions first in order to determine the answer to the most important question–should you freelance?

7 Sound Techniques for Effective Writing

The following rhetorical tools enrich writing by eliciting a primal emotional response in readers. Be sure they have intrinsic value to the content and do not simply showcase your cleverness. Employ them in moderation, and be true to your voice and the tone of your writing.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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