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Linkswitch #71, Email Newsletters, Pen and Paper, Benefits Of Meditation

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Strengthen Client Relationships with an Email Newsletter

There are countless posts online which explain why all freelancers should have a website. In short, it’s one of the most effective ways to showcase who you are and what you can do.

Of course, if you want to position yourself as an expert, you should seriously consider a blog too. Producing this kind of content is good not only for your reputation, but also for search-engine rankings.

The Simple Dollar Weekly Roundup: Leadership Edition

One area I’ve been reading about quite a bit lately is leadership. How does a person who is a bit on the introverted side and is scared of leading a social group actually leap across that chasm and lead a community organization?

(More) Useful Web Usability Testing Tools

Usability and User Experience (UX) are two extremely important factors for developing a site or app that really stands out from the competition. With the increasing competition in sites and apps, there are also an ever increasing number of tools to help you make your site or app more usable, and to help you ensure you provide a great experience for your users.

Sketching: How a Simple Pen and Paper Can Transform Your Web Designs

We spend good part of our time in front of a monitor, most likely we have more than one computer, not mentioning iphones, graphic tablets and all the other ultra modern devilries that invade our desks. We are all part of the generation that need a mouse to leaf through an album with the family photos (goodbye to dear family albums with the pages left to yellow) and Facebook to send birthday wishes to a friend. 20 examples of great “sketch” inspired sites included!

Put All of Your Music in the Cloud with Google Music

It was not too long ago that Google announced their cloud based music player, Music beta by Google. After using Amazon’s Cloud Player for a while, I was excited to see what Google had to offer. I am after all, an Android user and I border on Google fanboydom. While I think the coup de gras of Music beta is tight Android integration, I decided to take a close look at the web app as a music player, much like I did for Amazon Cloud Player. Here’s what I found.

Showcasing Photography Styles and Techniques

In this article we will be taking a closer look at some different, popular photography styles and techniques. We will also be presenting some great hand-picked examples of pictures in the respective photography styles.

The Benefits Of Meditation

There have been several scientific studies that have revealed that mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain ion a positive way. It is only now that we can more appreciate the positive benefits of meditation, since modern technology is allowing us to delve deep into the recesses of the mind.

35 Inspiring Examples Of Texture In Web Design

By using textures in web design you can turn your websites into a masterpiece. Today’s article will showcase some amazing designs that utilize textures. Enjoy!!

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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