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Linkswitch #70, Personal Branding, Motivational Quotes, Coffee Shops

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How to Pick the Right Colors for Your (Personal) Brand

As a freelancer, your business image isn’t just a reflection of your work, it’s a statement of your personal identity. With every project you complete, a portion of your personal design beliefs, creative insights and unique identity is woven into the results. These ties should be reflected in the freelance identity portrayed to your clients.

35 Great Inspirations & Apps for Your Facebook Page

Facebook pages are a great way to foster user engagement and promote a brand. Over time, Facebook has added a lot of features to make business pages more functional and feature rich. Lot of brands are building cool and extremely interactive business pages on top of the world’s largest social network. One has to see at least a few of these designs to get a good idea how powerful Facebook pages can be.

Better Image Management With WordPress

With the advent of sophisticated and user-friendly content management systems like WordPress, textual content has become increasingly easier to manage. The architecture of these systems aims to deliver a well-formed code foundation; this means that if you are a good writer, then your content will be just as awesome as the structure and quality of the code that runs it.

15 of the Best Motivational Quotes

The power of words never fails to inspire. Below are 15 of the best motivational quotes and a much needed early week pick-me-up.

100+ Free High Resolution Photoshop Brush Sets

Designers all over the world are on a constant search to find useful Photoshop brushes. This is because they know having a good collection of Photoshop brushes can save them in their time of need. Although there are countless brush sets are available for Adobe Photoshop that make finding Brush sets an easier task. But to find high quality brush sets, you have to browse through tons of web pages – a tedious task.

Startup Company Eliminates the Cold Call With Twitter

Many salespeople swear by cold calling. But the inherent problem with it? Interrupting people when they’re otherwise engaged. The person might be amenable – or might be turned off.

“We spent a lot of time cold calling or direct emailing,” said Craig Robertson, co-founder and CEO of “We would catch people when they were busy and they didn’t want to talk to us.”

The Difference Between Coworking Spaces and Coffee Shops

Freelancers wind up working everywhere: I’ve done my work at coffee shops, coworking spaces and even truck stops in in the middle of nowhere. But there are some big differences between using a general public space and an area built from the ground up for working.

30 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Tips and Tutorials

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is one of the top choices for photo editing software among amateur and professional photographers. In addition to editing photos, Lightroom also helps with organizing and managing your photos. You can also create slideshows and galleries to present your images.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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