Balancing Work Priorities as an Entrepreneur
We sometimes view entrepreneurs as those born with creative genius or great business acumen, that are able to somehow magically transform their business idea into a successful and profitable venture.
How to Deal With Nightmare Clients
Regardless of how smoothly your business may operate, no one is completely immune to criticism and controversy. With BP’s disastrous oil spill continuing to dominate the headlines almost three months after it took place, it’s becoming alarmingly clear that even the world’s most powerful and formerly respected brands can take a hit online.
3 Things To Help You Make The Most Of Every Day
Most days I’m a machine. I can get through a rather large number of tasks, vacuuming, laundry, playing with the kids, baking, preping dinner, and a number of other business related things. Then there are other days when after the kids are in bed and the house is relatively quiet I look around and ask myself “what the heck did I do today?”
How To Make Innovative Ideas Happen
In one of his recent presentations, Frans Johansson explained why groundbreaking innovators generate and execute far more ideas than their counterparts. After watching his presentation The Secret Truth About Executing Great Ideas, my thoughts began to surface about how meaningful the presentation was regardless of a persons industry, culture, field or discipline. Anyone can come up with an amazing idea but how you execute the idea will determine your success.
Why My Plumber Would Make a Great Freelancer
I recently had a whole new central heating system installed in our house. During the works I realised the similarities between our trades – Maybe not so much the physical labour, but the way in which we both deal with clients as single-man businesses. Whether you’re a freelance designer or a plumber, here’s a few tips on how to professionally run your business and result in happy clients at the end of every project.
6 Ways to Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines
Are you looking to get your blog highly ranked on Google?
Would you like some tips to help your blog appear for specific keywords? If so, keep reading…
7 Tasks an Online Virtual Assistant Can Handle for You
I’ve been working with an online virtual assistant for almost a year now. My current virtual assistant is a whiz at getting repetitive tasks off my desk and letting me focus on the creative work my clients pay me the big bucks for. If you’ve got a growing freelance practice, a virtual assistant may be able to help you handle the work load. These tasks are all relatively easy for virtual assistants to take on, letting you focus on landing and completing projects that pay.
Four Tips for Freelancing through Adversity
Your freelancing business and most things in your life may be going well now. You may even think this post isn’t for you since you aren’t going through hard times right now.
You would be wrong!
6 Apps to Tackle Email Overload
You just simply cannot ignore emails. Now that almost all individuals and businesses are online, people are mailing the jeepers out for one thing or another. At least with telephones you just can turn them off or yank them off the wall to avoid the barrage of calls, useful or otherwise. But with an email inbox, there is very little control over the incoming traffic.
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