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Linkswitch #65, Prioritizing Tasks, Personal Life, Employee to Freelancer

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5 Ideas for Choosing Your Home Office Equipment Setup

Now that you’ve made the decision to become a fulltime, stay-at-home freelancer, it’s time to start thinking of ways to outfit your home office. There are a few things to consider when choosing home office equipment – form and function being part of it, but personality is important, too. The equipment in your home office needs to fit a set of criteria; such as: be supportive, ergonomic, useful, durable, affordable and yes downright cool. Let’s look at a few ideas to consider as you setup your home office.

Artists unite for Japan Flags

Since March 11, the tragedy in Japan has impacted the entire world in many ways and unfortunately continues to do so. But can we make a difference? We certainly can! As artists and designers, we can support the people of Japan and their struggle with our art.

French Agency Creasenso did exactly that by gathering 11 talented illustrators to create some amazing designs for sale, in order to support the Red Cross in its efforts to aid refugees. They will donate 100% of all profits to this worthy cause.

7 Tips for Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

Most designers, regardless of whether you are self employed or an employee, have a to-do list full of all kinds of different tasks that are fighting for attention. It may include finalizing a project for one client, working on an estimate for another client, responding to emails, recording payments and working on financials, etc. With so many different things going on and a to-do list that likely includes tasks related to several different projects, knowing how to effectively prioritize can be a real challenge.

Detailed Comparison of Premium WordPress Theme Clubs

WordPress professionals are faced with many options when deciding which membership-based theme providers are worth their investment. It is important to know how frequent future releases are, what your actual cost will be over time and what kind of support you can expect. It is also important to know what types of themes you will be gaining access to. What I will provide in this article is information to help you compare the details of popular WordPress theme clubs, so that you can more easily determine which might be useful in your situation.

Selling Your Soul: Behind the Marketing Curtain

In a few weeks, two friends, Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte, are bringing to life a one-day experience called Selling Your Soul.

Yeah, I know, that name brings up all sorts of stuff. That’s the point. This post is not about that event, it is about the website, video and copy they’ve set up to market it.

Personal Life Outside of Work

Are you spending longer at work these days, putting in extra hours just to get everything done? And, when you finally clock out and leave, do you bring your job — and workplace worries — through the front door with you?

It can be a constant struggle protecting your precious personal life from the pressures of work. And it’s a battle many people are losing.

How to Make Your Freelancing Website More “Cutting Edge”

Do you ever get the feeling that, because you’re a freelancer, much is expected of you? For example, because we’re freelancers and not regular employees, most people expect us to be unconventional, bold, independent, and creative. The words “cool” and “hip” may even be appropriate to describe most freelancers.

In the same vein, freelancers’ websites–being representations of ourselves online–are also expected to be du jour (current) and on the cutting edge.

8 Ways to Successfully Sell Using Social Media

There’s this age-old problem with selling: If we could only get more people to pay attention to us, we could build relationships that lead to sales.

Fortunately, social media offers an amazing source of business opportunities. If you approach it the right way, you can build many relationships that could be crucial to your business growth and success.

Making the Mental Shift from Employee to Freelancer

Three years ago, when I left my job to freelance full time, I had a hard time shifting my mental math from salary to an hourly rate. When a client agreed to pay $30/hour for my copywriting services, I was over the moon, thinking it was an outrageously extravagant sum. After all, $30/hour x 40 hours in a week x 52 weeks in a year = $62,400, which was way more than the salary I’d just left. (I’m sure some of you are already laughing at that equation, because you know where I’m going with this.)

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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