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Linkswitch #49: Holidays, Apps, Research Tools

E-Commerce Copywriting: The Guide to Selling More

Quality product descriptions can transform e-commerce conversion rates — it’s common to see increases of 30-100%. As well as converting more visitors, search traffic increases drastically when unique copy is written for each product. Most online retailers use manufacturers’ copy or rely solely on images to sell products. They then use inadequate copy elsewhere on their site and fail to achieve a consistent tone to persuade their audience. This creates a compelling opportunity for savvy retailers — by writing quality e-commerce copy you will create a unique competitive advantage.

20 Apps For Finding Creative Domain Names

Can cool domains names assure the success of a site, blog or brand? No, they can’t. However, a great product combined with a cool domain name does get the word around lightning fast. Selecting the perfect domain name requires patience, wordplay and more patience. Out there in the internet, there are bunch of web apps that help suggest, crunch and spin words to get hold of that perfect name.

The Netsetter: My Favorite Keyword Research Tools, Part 1

You don’t need fancy tools to find good keywords. I can and have done all of my keyword research at times with nothing but the good old Google AdWords Keyword Tool and a couple of free browser extensions. That said, there are a few industrial strength keyword discovery and analysis tools that allow you to process thousands of keywords in the time it would take to review dozens by hand.

Making the Transition from Part-Time Freelancing to Full-Time Business

So you’ve been doing your freelancing thing on the side, relegating the work you are most enthused about to nights and weekends, sleeping less than any human should, and dreaming of the time when you can walk away from your day job and dive headlong into working full-time for yourself. As enticing as the prospect sounds, taking that leap can be one of the most stress-ridden moments in one’s life.

7 Ways to Get Motivated and Achieve Your Goals

If you’re going to achieve your deepest dreams and desires, you must understand how your mind works. When you learn how to tap into the deep reserves of your mind, you turn:

Tis the Season for Suggestions from Family

Though the holiday season reminds us of many wonderful things, peace on Earth and good will seems shattered for most the minute family walks through the door. If not a visit, the annual phone call to grandmother is stressed by the repeat attempt to explain to her what it is you do for a living. At least you can tell her your phone battery is dying and you need to hang up, but even that brings an explanation as to why a phone needs a battery.

What to Do When a Client Relationship Goes South

Client relationships almost always start out really well. You’re both excited to be working together, they’re looking forward to a new site and you’re looking forward to creating something really amazing.

Sometimes it stays this way throughout the process and the working relationship between web designer and client goes smoothly. Other times… not so much.

Top 75 Apps for Enhancing Your Facebook Page

Have you customized your Facebook page? There are thousands of apps that can help you engage with your fans. In this article I’ll focus on the top 75 Facebook apps.

These apps allow you to customize your landing tabs, add your blog, add videos and photos, add chat, add polls, contests, geolocation, scheduling, email, ecommerce and much more.

More Creative and Useful Infographic Maps

Last week, we had a roundup of some very creative infographics. Today’s post is a follow-up on even more inspiring and informative infographics that will leave us giving some things a second thought. Infographics are a great source to look up; the visual representations of a particular topic helps us find the information needed at a quicker pace.

Posted in Business, Freelancing, Web, Web Design.

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