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Google Maps’ new transport options: A dragon, the Loch Ness Monster and a royal carriage

Diamond Jubilee - Carriage Procession And Balcony Appearance
When you launch Google Maps and plan a route, you’ll usually see a few different transportation options. Walking, driving, taking the bus, train or tube are all pretty standard, but look hard enough and you might see a few “secrets” in the mix too. We’ve been tipped off about the following Easter eggs in Google Maps, which should give you a good chuckle as you take a birds-eye view of the UK. If you find any more for our little list, be sure to let us know in the comments! Loch Ness Monster This mythical beastie continues to draw people…

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Read more : Google Maps’ new transport options: A dragon, the Loch Ness Monster and a royal carriage

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