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The Affordable Desk That Could Make Standing at the Office Mainstream



Standing up for health just got a little cheaper

Despite all the talk about how sitting is the new smoking, it can be difficult to find someone who actually bucks office norms to work standing up.

One of the hurdles — price — is addressed in Wednesday’s Kickstarter launch of Stand Desk, which starts at $400 and is automatic, meaning it can be used at sitting or standing height and adjusts at the press of a button. Stand Desk reached its Kickstarter goal of $50,000 in 38 minutes.

But the difficulty with standing desks isn’t the hardware. If you work from home, you’re able to set up your workspace however you like, but for someone working in a shared office, it might be more difficult — and perhaps throw off the floor plan design — to introduce a standing desk to the mix Read more…

More about Productivity, Lifestyle, Health Fitness, Work Play, and Standing Desk

Read more : The Affordable Desk That Could Make Standing at the Office Mainstream

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