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Startup Offers Free Ebooks So No Good Book Goes Unread



The Launchpad is a series that introduces Mashable readers to compelling startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here.

Name: Screwpulp

One-Liner Pitch: Screwpulp helps indie authors find an audience with pricing driven by demand.

Why It’s Taking Off: Readers can download free books in exchange for reviewing them, and as reviews and download rack up, book price increases translating into better earnings for writers.

The music industry was democratized by YouTube and Soundcloud, news by Reddit and Twitter and many other categories by Kickstarter. But for first-time authors, the publishing industry is still very top-down and although it’s easier than ever to self-publish a book, finding readers who will buy it doesn’t always follow. Read more…

More about Books, Publishing, Business, Startups, and The Launchpad

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