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Katniss Battles Loki in MTV Movie Awards’ New ‘Favorite Character’ Category



Who would win in a fight between Loki, Katniss Everdeen, Veronica Mars, Beatrice “Tris” Prior and Khan? (The answer is Loki. Duh, he’s a god.)

But this is a popularity contest, and the votes are all coming from social media. Now who would win? We’ll soon find out.

SEE ALSO: MTV Announces the 2014 Movie Award Nominations

MTV is announcing an all-new category for the 2014 Movie Awards: Favorite character. The throw-down also marks the third campaign to exclusively use hashtag counts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Vine to determine the winner.

For the past two years, MTV used social media to determine another new category, Best Hero. That’s now part of the MTV Movie Awards’ stable of regular categories (and this year it’s between John Cale in White House Down, Thor, Superman, Bilbo Baggins and Iron Man). Read more…

More about Mtv, Movies, Mtv Movie Awards, Entertainment, and Film

Read more : Katniss Battles Loki in MTV Movie Awards’ New ‘Favorite Character’ Category

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