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Why You Need a Side Hustle



Finding a job in the current market is no easy task — and it’s often hindered by limited education and experience, particularly for recent grads or job seekers in the midst of a career shift

Four-year universities often train students to focus on one — or at most two— paths, and once you start developing skills in a career, it’s easy to start to feel stuck. Suddenly, you find yourself several years down the road and heading down a path with seemingly no return. How can you avoid getting stuck in an industry silo? Enter: the side hustle

Side hustles come in many shapes and sizes, varying from mere hobbies to very profitable companies. The idea is simple: When you have some free time, take on a new task. Then evolve the idea and iterate Read more…

More about Job Search Series, Business, Jobs, and Work Play

Read more : Why You Need a Side Hustle

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