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The 10 Most Annoying Things on Reddit



If you controlled Reddit, what would you ban?

User T0pTomato posed that question in a thread, where it earned more than 12,000 responses

Users vented all the things that annoyed them, from overused comments (“faith in humanity restored!”) to celebrity worship (we get it, you love Bill Murray)

According to the site’s top comments, here are 10 things that should be banned from Reddit, effective immediately

1. Sob stories


Since Reddit is a community first and foremost, many users take to the site to tell their personal, heartbreaking tales. It gets to be overwhelming and can seem like fishing for upvotes (a point system akin to giving a post a “thumbs up,” or a positive rating) Read more…

More about Reddit, Social Media, Features, Humor, and Conversations

Read more : The 10 Most Annoying Things on Reddit

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