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Social Media, Marketing and PR: Who’s Responsible for What?



Rattling off the job titles “head of public relations,” “director of marketing” and “social media manager” all in a row sounds like the start of a bad “walks-into-a-bar” joke.

In all seriousness, though, if you’re wondering whether your business really needs all three teams and thus team leaders — and how they should operate — you’re not alone.

It’s no secret that the face of public relations has changed in a major way since the advent of social media, which typically falls under the larger umbrella of general marketing. So who is responsible for what? When does the PR team handle social? Does your business need a separate social media division? What’s a growing business to do? Read more…

More about Business, Social Marketing, Marketing, Small Business, and Startups

Read more : Social Media, Marketing and PR: Who’s Responsible for What?

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