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Shingy, AOL’s ‘Digital Prophet,’ Didn’t Think He’d Get Flack for That Title



AUSTIN, Texas — Is David Shing an oracle of the future or just a loud Australian guy with weird hair?

The man who you may know as Shingy is AOL’s “digital prophet,” a title for which he has caught some flack. During SXSW in Austin, he opened up about the whole prophet thing, his devotion to AOL and his hair.

Earlier this year, Shing appeared in a short interview on MSNBC, which quickly spread online. Shing has been in the marketing game for years, but nobody had heard of a “digital prophet” before. This, combined with his eye-popping hairdo (which he’s had since age 11; his sister is a hairdresser), quickly turned him into a lightning rod for criticism. It’s likely the rest of the world cares little about Shing, his nickname or his looks, but in a media world obsessed with the rise and fall of AOL, Shing became a sensation. Read more…

More about Aol, Business, Marketing, Media, and David Shing

Read more : Shingy, AOL’s ‘Digital Prophet,’ Didn’t Think He’d Get Flack for That Title

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