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Oscars Selfie Starring Legos Is a Brickin’ Masterpiece



The Oscars selfie parodies are popping up faster than Liza Minelli trying to get in a group shot.

The star-studded, record-busting photo already inspired Simpsons creator Matt Groening to draw a version, but this parody might have Homer beat.

Behold, the Lego Oscars selfie.

LEGO oscar selfie

Image: Flickr, Ochre Jelly

Lego artist Iain Heath of The Living Brick spent 12 hours constructing his parody masterpiece. Heath told Mashable that he jumped at the chance to recreate the viral image, starting work on it the morning after the awards show

Heath says that he specializes in creating Lego parodies of memes and images popular on the Internet. “As soon as an image that interests me begins to go viral, I rush to my Lego collection, do a fast build, get it online as quickly as possible and ride the wave.” Read more…

More about Entertainment, Film, Oscars, Academy Awards, and Watercooler

Read more : Oscars Selfie Starring Legos Is a Brickin’ Masterpiece

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