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Neil Young Turns to Kickstarter for His High-Res Music Player



For most, the digital music on our iPhones and streaming services like Spotify and Pandora sounds just fine.

However, to a small-but-vocal group of audiophiles, it sounds like crap. Even as digital music downloads have increased in quality (iTunes used to sell mostly 128kbps downloads; now they’re 256kbps), the music is still compressed. Some people say they can hear the difference.

Neil Young is one. He’s been trying to get his Pono music player off the ground since at least 2012, and now he’s taking another stab via Kickstarter. The PonoMusic player is a triangular iPod-like device designed specifically for high-quality audio. Read more…

More about Audio, Neil Young, Kickstarter, Tech, and Gadgets

Read more : Neil Young Turns to Kickstarter for His High-Res Music Player

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