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NASA Wants YOU, to Help Hunt Asteroids



Citizen scientists take note: You can help save the planet from threatening space rocks, and win some prize money to boot.

NASA and asteroid-mining company Planetary Resources have teamed up to launch a contest series called “Asteroid Data Hunter,” which asks the public to develop algorithms that can help identify space rocks in Earth’s neck of the cosmic woods. The contest series, which is managed by the NASA Tournament Lab, kicks off March 17 and runs through August, with a total of $35,000 in awards available, NASA officials said.

“Protecting the planet from the threat of asteroid impact means first knowing where they are,” Jenn Gustetic, NASA Prizes and Challenges Program executive, said in a statement. “By opening up the search for asteroids, we are harnessing the potential of innovators and makers and citizen scientists everywhere to help solve this global challenge.” Read more…

More about Nasa, Challenge, Public, Cash Prizes, and Algorithms

Read more : NASA Wants YOU, to Help Hunt Asteroids

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