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March Meow-ness: Bodega Cat Bracket Is the Only One That Matters



For those who call New York City home, the small neighborhoods shops that occupy nearly every block are known as bodegas. (No, not “convenience stores” or “groceries.”)

Terminology aside, one other thing sets our corner stores apart: bodega cats

Aside from being adorable, these feline friends have the important responsibility of keeping unwanted rodents at bay. So it only makes sense that WNYC is holding a bracket-style tournament called Bodega Cat Madness to decide which of these street kitties rules them all

To enter your favorite bodega cat in the competition, tweet a picture with the hashtag #bodegacatbracket. WNYC will pick the 16 most awesome cats and then open the polls for a citywide vote Read more…

More about Nyc, Bracket, Cats, Watercooler, and Pics

Read more : March Meow-ness: Bodega Cat Bracket Is the Only One That Matters

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