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Make Sweet Music With Any Object Using This Sensor



If you’re prone to drumming on your steering wheel, desk or whatever is in reach when listening to your jam, this device could up your percussive game.

To make a musical instrument out of the mundane, users attach the circular sensor at the end of the stethoscope-like device to the surface of any everyday object and it becomes imbued the power of music. Then, users plug Mogees into a mobile device’s headphone jack and connect their headphones to the gadget to listen to the music they create.

Mogees works by employing a small, specialized sensor called a “piezo-transducer” that converts a vibration produced by tapping any physical object into an electric signal. That signal is then sent to a mobile device running the Mogees app (available for both iOS and Android) which turns the signal into music. Read more…

More about Music, Gadgets, Smartphone, Tech, and Device

Read more : Make Sweet Music With Any Object Using This Sensor

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