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Lomography’s $35 DIY Camera: Fun to Build, a Pain to Use



Building a camera is not easy. I know this because I spent nearly two hours during a recent weekend trying to put together the Lomography Konstruktor, a DIY 35mm film SLR (single-lens reflex) camera.

Lomography is widely known for its toy cameras. The Diana and Fisheye Baby are two popular toy cameras that come to mind. And while buying a film camera instead of a digital one today is akin to buying a bulky CRT television instead of a flatscreen high-definition TV, that hasn’t stopped Lomography from releasing cameras that try to bring back the nostalgia of the bygone analog days. With a low $35 price, is the Konstruktor more toy than camera? Read more…

More about Reviews, Diy, Cameras, Tech, and Gadgets

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