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Internet Blackout Sweeps Syria, Again



Syria is almost completely cut off from the global Internet

Several Internet monitoring companies reported Thursday that Syria suffered an almost complete Internet shutdown. This is the latest in a long series of Internet blackouts in the war-torn country.

The blackout started around 8:30 a.m. ET, according to Internet monitoring firm Renesys, which first spotted the outage. Renesys reported that 84 networks experienced an outage in Syria starting at 12:26 UTC, which is 95% of the routed networks in the country, the company wrote

Internet in Syria almost entirely down at 12:26 UTC. Only Aleppo link to Turkey remains

— Renesys Corporation (@renesys) March 20, 2014 Read more…

More about Government Censorship, Syria, Internet Freedom, Syrian Internet, and Us World

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