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French Satellite Images Identify Possible Debris From Malaysia Airlines Plane



France is the latest country to provide satellite imagery to the Malaysian government of what could be possible debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

Malaysia’s Ministry of Transport said new images provided by France show “potential objects” in the South Indian Ocean, not too far from where searchers are looking for the missing jet, the Associated Press reported.

One of the objects, which popped up on a French satellite, is reportedly close in size (72 feet by 43 feet) to what China and Australia captured via satellite

Most recently, it was announced that a Chinese satellite spotted a large object in the water that could have been part of Flight 370. Authorities are also trying to “re-find” a wooden pallet that was seen on Saturday; pallets are often used in shipping, but can also be used in cargo containers on airplane, according to the AP. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is currently awaiting a cargo manifest to see if the plane was carrying one. Read more…

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