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6 Ways to Get a Bigger Tax Refund



It’s that time of year again: the W2 and 1099 forms have all been sent out. You’re staring at a new collection of tax forms, and it’s peak season for the tax prep software industry and accountants

Have you wondered if you are one of those Americans who have left money on the table by overpaying your bill to Uncle Sam? Most likely, you want to do all you can to get as big a refund (or pay as little as possible) this year. Here are six simple filing fixes to help you put more money in your wallet this year:

1. Turn to the pros

With all the tax preparation apps available these days, it has become easier than ever to file your own taxes. But paying a tax professional $100-$500 can really pay off if they can boost your refund by a thousand or more. Tax pros are savvier about which deductions, filing status, and credits will work in your favor. And as tax laws change frequently, and credits and allowable deductions come and go, a professional has kept up with these changes and how they affect your cash flow Read more…

More about Taxes, Small Business, Startups, Finance, and Business

Read more : 6 Ways to Get a Bigger Tax Refund

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