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5 Reasons I’ll Miss My iPhone



Less than a decade ago, we were all asking ourselves, “Am I a Mac or a PC?” Now, with the rise of mobile technology it’s more like “Am I an iPhone or an Android?” The debate is heated, and both sides stand strong in their convictions, but it seems like some people may be deserting their iOS for Android devices.

Break me off a piece of that KitKat operating system!

Mashable’s very own Lamarr Wilson is taking the plunge and ditching his iPhone for the new Nexus 5. Check out the video above to see all the things he’ll miss about his iPhone, and make sure to subscribe to Socially Awkward to see if he sticks with Android, or if he comes crawling back to iOS. Godspeed, Lamarr! Read more…

More about Iphone, Android, Smartphones, Ios, and Youtube

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