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19 Funny Earthquake Tweets About L.A.’s Sleep Deprived



Talk about a case of the Mondays: Los Angeles got an early start to the day when an earthquake rattled the city.

Seismologists estimate the earthquake was magnitude 4.4, which already dropped from 4.7 — enough to cause mild to moderate shaking. So far, there have been no reports of damage or even power outages. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, except for Hollywood’s sleep schedule.

Twitter‘s witty West Coasters jumped out of bed with one-liners about the quake — and the response had a magnitude larger than the earthquake itself. Just take it from these news anchors. Read more…

More about Twitter, Lists, Earthquake, Los Angeles, and Humor

Read more : 19 Funny Earthquake Tweets About L.A.’s Sleep Deprived

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