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Will Comcast and Time Warner Cable Sink Net Neutrality?



The No. 1 and No. 2 cable providers will join forces to become a giant that will control around 30% of the television market, as well as almost half of the bundle market for Internet, TV and phone.

If and when the $45 billion Comcast-Time Warner Cable deal is approved, Comcast will effectively become the largest Internet provider in America. But how will this deal affect consumers around the county? How will it affect Internet freedom and American’s access to affordable, fast broadband?

The Case for Panic

Comcast’s larger number of subscribers will give the company even more of a stronghold on a market that critics already say is too monopolized, and this deal should make the situation even worse. Read more…

More about Comcast, Tech Policy, Time Warner Cable, Internet Freedom, and Media

Read more : Will Comcast and Time Warner Cable Sink Net Neutrality?

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