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Watch This Guy Smash His Hand in the Name of iPhone Protection



There are plenty of ambitious companies showing off their wares at this year’s Mobile World Congress, but few go as far as actually getting someone to risk the use of their hand to prove a point. But on Sunday, that’s exactly what Tech21’s Faron Sagebiel did while demonstrating the strength of the company’s new Impact Band iPhone 5S case ($29.99)

Using the most dangerous looking mallet he could find, Sagebiel twisted the malleable protective material, wrapped it around his finger and then started smashing it with the mallet as hard as he could — with no ill effects. The material the company refers to as its “secret ingredient” is called D30, a polymer Tech21 describes as having an intelligent molecular structure Read more…

More about Iphone Cases, Mobile World Congress, Tech, Gadgets, and Mobile

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