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The Six Degrees of Quentin Tarantino Actors



Designer Timor Barshtman put together a clever 100-second clip that demonstrates the recycling of actors in the films of Quentin Tarantino, from Harvey Keitel in “Reservoir Dogs” finding his way in “Pulp Fiction,” to Samuel L. Jackson in “Pulp Fiction” scoring a role in “Jackie Brown” and so forth.

Barshtman says the clip “depicts [Tarantino’s] ability to transform and reintroduce familiar actors as completely new characters with detailed network of connections through different movies.” Myself, I’d like to think it’s simply an animated chain letter that features caricatures of homicidal maniacs. Read more…

More about Movies, Actors, Quentin Tarantino, Samuel L Jackson, and Entertainment

Read more : The Six Degrees of Quentin Tarantino Actors

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